Tim Bruening
2005-06-03 10:32:15 UTC
Now that all six movies are done, how would you rank your idea of the
greatest moments (countdown-style)? And is it possible to vote for
anything other than you-know-what as #1?
10. The Wookiee Tarzan yells in ROTJ and ROTSgreatest moments (countdown-style)? And is it possible to vote for
anything other than you-know-what as #1?
9. Jar Jar sticking his tongue out
8. The Sarlacc burping after swallowing Fett
7. Jedi Rocks
6. "Look sir, droids."
5. Luke screaming as he falls down the shaft in Cloud City.
4. Greedo shooting first.
3. Artoo saying "Uh oh"...twice.
2. Jar Jar saying "How wude"...three times.
1. The Yub Yub song.