[HUMOR] - Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
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Tim Bruening
2005-06-03 08:27:31 UTC
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
After several years at the Intergalactic Berlitz Academy, Chewbacca
spoke 14 languages fluently. Then came his habit of chewing tobacco,
his throat cancer, the laryngectomy and the nickname.
Britney Spears and Han Solo were married for a few weeks.
Chewbacca finishes second in a holographic chess tournament, won by a
formerly two-armed contestant.
Darth Vader's power really comes from Cheez-Its and Kellogg's Corn
Fight scene involving Obi-Wan's lightsaber and Padme's distended belly
Jar Jar inadvertently allows Chancellor Palpatine to create the Empire
by introducing a measure in the Galactic Senate to end the filibuster.
Samuel L. Jackson managed to keep a straight face while reciting his
Steven Tyler cameos as an undercover agent trying to keep tabs on the
Dark Side in the drag guise of Big Mama-Kin Skywalker.
Surprise cameo featuring George Lucas rolling around in a pile of
That scene where Triumph the Insult Comic Dog gets all up in Darth
Vader's grill.
To improve the acting range and add depth to the Anakin
Skywalker/Darth Vader character, Hayden Christensen shares screen time
with his "Attack of the Clones" action figure.
We learn that Yoda developed his backward speech style as a joke for
his 300th birthday and liked it so much he just kept it.
Weird alien bar scene features Michael Jackson, Anne Heche and Mike
Tyson as a 10,000 Maniacs tribute band.
Yoda has a pet wamp rat named Fluffy.
Yoda? Hermaphrodite.
"Marry Padme you did, but father her children you did not. That
shorter Jedi did, hmmm?"
After the end credits, there's a still shot of George Lucas' ass.
Tattooed upon it are the words "Kiss It Again, Fanboys."
Anakin Skywalker descends into hell, becoming gangsta rapper Darth V.
Anakin grows up to become not Darth Vader, but Captain Kirk.
Attempting to repair deeply rooted public disdain, Jar Jar Binks
appears in a scene with Jane Fonda.
Darth Vader *does* betray and murder Luke's father. And then the
bastard adopts him!
It quickly becomes obvious that Chewbacca was the man in his later
relationship with Han.
Millions of geeks stayed up late Wednesday night to feel the power of
the dork side.
Obi-Wan throws Darth Vader his cloak in exchange for a Coke.
PG-13 rating may actually be rather charitable, considering that
steamy Jabba the Hutt sex scene.
Palpatine is actually Darth Sidious? Gosh, why didn't I notice that
Pregnant, schmegnant -- she's *still* hot.
The cameo by Buzz Lightyear.
The dark side of Yoda? Fozzie Bear!
The leather holster for Mace Windu's lightsaber clearly reads "Bad
Mother F*cker."
Anakin's trip to the Dark Side begins with a marathon session of
"Magic: The Gathering" in a damp basement.
George Lucas does a Hitchcock-style cameo as the Jedi Macarena
Wookiee planet populated by thousands of Robin Williams clones.
Who's that scrunching himself up to get inside the Yoda suit? None
other than Jude Frickin' Law!
Jabba and Kirstie Alley appear on-screen together. So much for *that*
A Jedi mutters, "Why the hell is this guy still here?!?" then swiftly
lightsaber-beheads Jar Jar Binks.
In the end they eat Yoda and decide he tastes like asparagus.
The second half is nothing but Jar Jar Binks fishing with his
half-brother Ginko Biloba.
Chancellor Palpatine played by now-wrinkly Mark Hamill.
The mystery of Michael Jackson's origin is still unanswered.
Rumors of on-screen allusions to the Bush administration are
ridiculous. George W. Bush looks nothing like Chancellor W. Palpatine.
That "Star Wars" kid from the Internet video totally handed Skywalker
his ass.
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Tabloid pics of Darth Vader doing laundry on Tatooine in his skivvies.
and the Number 1 Biggest Surprise in the New "Star Wars" Movie...
Anakin is a sled.
Senator Bail Organia sponsors the Empire Patriot Act.

Papatine tells Anakin "I am your father".

A major scandal erupts over cost overruns for the Death Star.

The Moral Majority lambastes Padme for having kids out of wedlock (since
she and Anakin were keeping their marriage a secret). (How was Padme
explaining her pregnancy?).

Amnesty Interstellar accuses Anakin of massacring native populations on
2005-06-03 14:39:42 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
After several years at the Intergalactic Berlitz Academy, Chewbacca
spoke 14 languages fluently. Then came his habit of chewing tobacco,
his throat cancer, the laryngectomy and the nickname.
Britney Spears and Han Solo were married for a few weeks.
Chewbacca finishes second in a holographic chess tournament, won by a
formerly two-armed contestant.
Darth Vader's power really comes from Cheez-Its and Kellogg's Corn
Fight scene involving Obi-Wan's lightsaber and Padme's distended belly
Jar Jar inadvertently allows Chancellor Palpatine to create the Empire
by introducing a measure in the Galactic Senate to end the filibuster.
Samuel L. Jackson managed to keep a straight face while reciting his
Steven Tyler cameos as an undercover agent trying to keep tabs on the
Dark Side in the drag guise of Big Mama-Kin Skywalker.
Surprise cameo featuring George Lucas rolling around in a pile of
That scene where Triumph the Insult Comic Dog gets all up in Darth
Vader's grill.
To improve the acting range and add depth to the Anakin
Skywalker/Darth Vader character, Hayden Christensen shares screen time
with his "Attack of the Clones" action figure.
We learn that Yoda developed his backward speech style as a joke for
his 300th birthday and liked it so much he just kept it.
Weird alien bar scene features Michael Jackson, Anne Heche and Mike
Tyson as a 10,000 Maniacs tribute band.
Yoda has a pet wamp rat named Fluffy.
Yoda? Hermaphrodite.
"Marry Padme you did, but father her children you did not. That
shorter Jedi did, hmmm?"
After the end credits, there's a still shot of George Lucas' ass.
Tattooed upon it are the words "Kiss It Again, Fanboys."
Anakin Skywalker descends into hell, becoming gangsta rapper Darth V.
Anakin grows up to become not Darth Vader, but Captain Kirk.
Attempting to repair deeply rooted public disdain, Jar Jar Binks
appears in a scene with Jane Fonda.
Darth Vader *does* betray and murder Luke's father. And then the
bastard adopts him!
It quickly becomes obvious that Chewbacca was the man in his later
relationship with Han.
Millions of geeks stayed up late Wednesday night to feel the power of
the dork side.
Obi-Wan throws Darth Vader his cloak in exchange for a Coke.
PG-13 rating may actually be rather charitable, considering that
steamy Jabba the Hutt sex scene.
Palpatine is actually Darth Sidious? Gosh, why didn't I notice that
Pregnant, schmegnant -- she's *still* hot.
The cameo by Buzz Lightyear.
The dark side of Yoda? Fozzie Bear!
The leather holster for Mace Windu's lightsaber clearly reads "Bad
Mother F*cker."
Anakin's trip to the Dark Side begins with a marathon session of
"Magic: The Gathering" in a damp basement.
George Lucas does a Hitchcock-style cameo as the Jedi Macarena
Wookiee planet populated by thousands of Robin Williams clones.
Who's that scrunching himself up to get inside the Yoda suit? None
other than Jude Frickin' Law!
Jabba and Kirstie Alley appear on-screen together. So much for *that*
A Jedi mutters, "Why the hell is this guy still here?!?" then swiftly
lightsaber-beheads Jar Jar Binks.
In the end they eat Yoda and decide he tastes like asparagus.
The second half is nothing but Jar Jar Binks fishing with his
half-brother Ginko Biloba.
Chancellor Palpatine played by now-wrinkly Mark Hamill.
The mystery of Michael Jackson's origin is still unanswered.
Rumors of on-screen allusions to the Bush administration are
ridiculous. George W. Bush looks nothing like Chancellor W. Palpatine.
That "Star Wars" kid from the Internet video totally handed Skywalker
his ass.
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Tabloid pics of Darth Vader doing laundry on Tatooine in his skivvies.
and the Number 1 Biggest Surprise in the New "Star Wars" Movie...
Anakin is a sled.
Senator Bail Organia sponsors the Empire Patriot Act.
Papatine tells Anakin "I am your father".
A major scandal erupts over cost overruns for the Death Star.
The Moral Majority lambastes Padme for having kids out of wedlock (since
she and Anakin were keeping their marriage a secret). (How was Padme
explaining her pregnancy?).
Amnesty Interstellar accuses Anakin of massacring native populations on
Lucky there wasn't a charater called Elohin. That would have caused a bit of
Tim Bruening
2005-06-09 06:39:53 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
After several years at the Intergalactic Berlitz Academy, Chewbacca
spoke 14 languages fluently. Then came his habit of chewing tobacco,
his throat cancer, the laryngectomy and the nickname.
Britney Spears and Han Solo were married for a few weeks.
Chewbacca finishes second in a holographic chess tournament, won by a
formerly two-armed contestant.
Darth Vader's power really comes from Cheez-Its and Kellogg's Corn
Fight scene involving Obi-Wan's lightsaber and Padme's distended belly
Jar Jar inadvertently allows Chancellor Palpatine to create the Empire
by introducing a measure in the Galactic Senate to end the filibuster.
Samuel L. Jackson managed to keep a straight face while reciting his
Steven Tyler cameos as an undercover agent trying to keep tabs on the
Dark Side in the drag guise of Big Mama-Kin Skywalker.
Surprise cameo featuring George Lucas rolling around in a pile of
That scene where Triumph the Insult Comic Dog gets all up in Darth
Vader's grill.
To improve the acting range and add depth to the Anakin
Skywalker/Darth Vader character, Hayden Christensen shares screen time
with his "Attack of the Clones" action figure.
We learn that Yoda developed his backward speech style as a joke for
his 300th birthday and liked it so much he just kept it.
Weird alien bar scene features Michael Jackson, Anne Heche and Mike
Tyson as a 10,000 Maniacs tribute band.
Yoda has a pet wamp rat named Fluffy.
Yoda? Hermaphrodite.
"Marry Padme you did, but father her children you did not. That
shorter Jedi did, hmmm?"
After the end credits, there's a still shot of George Lucas' ass.
Tattooed upon it are the words "Kiss It Again, Fanboys."
Anakin Skywalker descends into hell, becoming gangsta rapper Darth V.
Anakin grows up to become not Darth Vader, but Captain Kirk.
Attempting to repair deeply rooted public disdain, Jar Jar Binks
appears in a scene with Jane Fonda.
Darth Vader *does* betray and murder Luke's father. And then the
bastard adopts him!
It quickly becomes obvious that Chewbacca was the man in his later
relationship with Han.
Millions of geeks stayed up late Wednesday night to feel the power of
the dork side.
Obi-Wan throws Darth Vader his cloak in exchange for a Coke.
PG-13 rating may actually be rather charitable, considering that
steamy Jabba the Hutt sex scene.
Palpatine is actually Darth Sidious? Gosh, why didn't I notice that
Pregnant, schmegnant -- she's *still* hot.
The cameo by Buzz Lightyear.
The dark side of Yoda? Fozzie Bear!
The leather holster for Mace Windu's lightsaber clearly reads "Bad
Mother F*cker."
Anakin's trip to the Dark Side begins with a marathon session of
"Magic: The Gathering" in a damp basement.
George Lucas does a Hitchcock-style cameo as the Jedi Macarena
Wookiee planet populated by thousands of Robin Williams clones.
Who's that scrunching himself up to get inside the Yoda suit? None
other than Jude Frickin' Law!
Jabba and Kirstie Alley appear on-screen together. So much for *that*
A Jedi mutters, "Why the hell is this guy still here?!?" then swiftly
lightsaber-beheads Jar Jar Binks.
In the end they eat Yoda and decide he tastes like asparagus.
The second half is nothing but Jar Jar Binks fishing with his
half-brother Ginko Biloba.
Chancellor Palpatine played by now-wrinkly Mark Hamill.
The mystery of Michael Jackson's origin is still unanswered.
Rumors of on-screen allusions to the Bush administration are
ridiculous. George W. Bush looks nothing like Chancellor W. Palpatine.
That "Star Wars" kid from the Internet video totally handed Skywalker
his ass.
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Tabloid pics of Darth Vader doing laundry on Tatooine in his skivvies.
and the Number 1 Biggest Surprise in the New "Star Wars" Movie...
Anakin is a sled.
Senator Bail Organia sponsors the Empire Patriot Act.
Papatine tells Anakin "I am your father".
A major scandal erupts over cost overruns for the Death Star.
The Moral Majority lambastes Padme for having kids out of wedlock (since
she and Anakin were keeping their marriage a secret). (How was Padme
explaining her pregnancy?).
Amnesty Interstellar accuses Anakin of massacring native populations on
Lucky there wasn't a charater called Elohin. That would have caused a bit of
How and why?
2005-06-09 11:03:56 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
After several years at the Intergalactic Berlitz Academy, Chewbacca
spoke 14 languages fluently. Then came his habit of chewing tobacco,
his throat cancer, the laryngectomy and the nickname.
Britney Spears and Han Solo were married for a few weeks.
Chewbacca finishes second in a holographic chess tournament, won by a
formerly two-armed contestant.
Darth Vader's power really comes from Cheez-Its and Kellogg's Corn
Fight scene involving Obi-Wan's lightsaber and Padme's distended belly
Jar Jar inadvertently allows Chancellor Palpatine to create the Empire
by introducing a measure in the Galactic Senate to end the filibuster.
Samuel L. Jackson managed to keep a straight face while reciting his
Steven Tyler cameos as an undercover agent trying to keep tabs on the
Dark Side in the drag guise of Big Mama-Kin Skywalker.
Surprise cameo featuring George Lucas rolling around in a pile of
That scene where Triumph the Insult Comic Dog gets all up in Darth
Vader's grill.
To improve the acting range and add depth to the Anakin
Skywalker/Darth Vader character, Hayden Christensen shares screen time
with his "Attack of the Clones" action figure.
We learn that Yoda developed his backward speech style as a joke for
his 300th birthday and liked it so much he just kept it.
Weird alien bar scene features Michael Jackson, Anne Heche and Mike
Tyson as a 10,000 Maniacs tribute band.
Yoda has a pet wamp rat named Fluffy.
Yoda? Hermaphrodite.
"Marry Padme you did, but father her children you did not. That
shorter Jedi did, hmmm?"
After the end credits, there's a still shot of George Lucas' ass.
Tattooed upon it are the words "Kiss It Again, Fanboys."
Anakin Skywalker descends into hell, becoming gangsta rapper Darth V.
Anakin grows up to become not Darth Vader, but Captain Kirk.
Attempting to repair deeply rooted public disdain, Jar Jar Binks
appears in a scene with Jane Fonda.
Darth Vader *does* betray and murder Luke's father. And then the
bastard adopts him!
It quickly becomes obvious that Chewbacca was the man in his later
relationship with Han.
Millions of geeks stayed up late Wednesday night to feel the power of
the dork side.
Obi-Wan throws Darth Vader his cloak in exchange for a Coke.
PG-13 rating may actually be rather charitable, considering that
steamy Jabba the Hutt sex scene.
Palpatine is actually Darth Sidious? Gosh, why didn't I notice that
Pregnant, schmegnant -- she's *still* hot.
The cameo by Buzz Lightyear.
The dark side of Yoda? Fozzie Bear!
The leather holster for Mace Windu's lightsaber clearly reads "Bad
Mother F*cker."
Anakin's trip to the Dark Side begins with a marathon session of
"Magic: The Gathering" in a damp basement.
George Lucas does a Hitchcock-style cameo as the Jedi Macarena
Wookiee planet populated by thousands of Robin Williams clones.
Who's that scrunching himself up to get inside the Yoda suit? None
other than Jude Frickin' Law!
Jabba and Kirstie Alley appear on-screen together. So much for *that*
A Jedi mutters, "Why the hell is this guy still here?!?" then swiftly
lightsaber-beheads Jar Jar Binks.
In the end they eat Yoda and decide he tastes like asparagus.
The second half is nothing but Jar Jar Binks fishing with his
half-brother Ginko Biloba.
Chancellor Palpatine played by now-wrinkly Mark Hamill.
The mystery of Michael Jackson's origin is still unanswered.
Rumors of on-screen allusions to the Bush administration are
ridiculous. George W. Bush looks nothing like Chancellor W. Palpatine.
That "Star Wars" kid from the Internet video totally handed Skywalker
his ass.
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Tabloid pics of Darth Vader doing laundry on Tatooine in his skivvies.
and the Number 1 Biggest Surprise in the New "Star Wars" Movie...
Anakin is a sled.
Senator Bail Organia sponsors the Empire Patriot Act.
Papatine tells Anakin "I am your father".
A major scandal erupts over cost overruns for the Death Star.
The Moral Majority lambastes Padme for having kids out of wedlock (since
she and Anakin were keeping their marriage a secret). (How was Padme
explaining her pregnancy?).
Amnesty Interstellar accuses Anakin of massacring native populations on
Lucky there wasn't a charater called Elohin. That would have caused a bit of
How and why?
It's what G*d was called in the O.T. before he declared himself as YxxH and
it's the root of the word Allah.

Might have had some of the more learned of Alcy Aida's
tyrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsts blowing up cinemas.

G*d? YxxH?

Yeah. I don't want to get stoned, whether or not John Cleese blows his
2005-06-09 16:09:14 UTC
Post by nemo
It's what G*d was called in the O.T. before he declared himself as YxxH and
it's the root of the word Allah.
wow, god was in the original trilogy?

2005-06-09 20:31:30 UTC
Post by scratch
Post by nemo
It's what G*d was called in the O.T. before he declared himself as YxxH and
it's the root of the word Allah.
wow, god was in the original trilogy?
Spell him with a capital or he'll make you itch for all eternity!
2005-06-11 09:01:47 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by scratch
Post by nemo
It's what G*d was called in the O.T. before he declared himself as
Post by nemo
Post by scratch
Post by nemo
it's the root of the word Allah.
wow, god was in the original trilogy?
Spell him with a capital or he'll make you itch for all eternity!

Then he'll *really* get infected!

Septy Seamier! The seventh disease you can catch in a French brothel!

Numbo One Punster!
2005-08-09 03:50:32 UTC
Post by nemo
Spell him with a capital or he'll make you itch for all eternity!
That goes for pronouns, too.
J. A. Mc.
2005-08-09 18:50:38 UTC
Post by Todd
Post by nemo
Spell him with a capital or he'll make you itch for all eternity!
That goes for pronouns, too.
I'd ha' thought with all that ejukasion, ALL nuns were pro - if they taught.
2005-06-11 08:58:43 UTC
Post by scratch
Post by nemo
It's what G*d was called in the O.T. before he declared himself as YxxH and
it's the root of the word Allah.
wow, god was in the original trilogy?
(It'll get infected if you do that too often.)

Old Testament!

Keep watching out for those tyrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsts!
Tim Bruening
2005-06-11 08:58:56 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by scratch
Post by nemo
It's what G*d was called in the O.T. before he declared himself as YxxH
Post by scratch
Post by nemo
it's the root of the word Allah.
wow, god was in the original trilogy?
(It'll get infected if you do that too often.)
Old Testament!
Keep watching out for those tyrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsts!
Who will flush the Bible down a toilet?
2005-06-11 09:13:38 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Keep watching out for those tyrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsts!
Who will flush the Bible down a toilet?
there's no proof that they'd ever do such a thing.

Tim Bruening
2005-06-11 09:24:10 UTC
Padme and other liberal Senators make repeated attempts to cut off funding for
the Death Star.
2005-06-11 19:59:29 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Padme and other liberal Senators make repeated attempts to cut off funding for
the Death Star.
Dubbaya would fund it though. It'd make a good replacement for Ronald
Ray-gun's starwars scheme!

Someone in need of praise and affection: Padme Yonder-Head.

Numbo One Punster!
2005-06-11 19:56:34 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by scratch
Post by nemo
It's what G*d was called in the O.T. before he declared himself as YxxH
Post by scratch
Post by nemo
it's the root of the word Allah.
wow, god was in the original trilogy?
(It'll get infected if you do that too often.)
Old Testament!
Keep watching out for those tyrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsts!
Who will flush the Bible down a toilet?
I don't think so. They believe in the same Old Teatament as we do, but with
the Koran on top of it.

They might flush a separate New Testament down the toilet ice up hose
Tim Bruening
2005-06-09 06:41:52 UTC
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
After several years at the Intergalactic Berlitz Academy, Chewbacca
spoke 14 languages fluently. Then came his habit of chewing tobacco,
his throat cancer, the laryngectomy and the nickname.
Britney Spears and Han Solo were married for a few weeks.
Chewbacca finishes second in a holographic chess tournament, won by a
formerly two-armed contestant.
Darth Vader's power really comes from Cheez-Its and Kellogg's Corn
Fight scene involving Obi-Wan's lightsaber and Padme's distended belly
Jar Jar inadvertently allows Chancellor Palpatine to create the Empire
by introducing a measure in the Galactic Senate to end the filibuster.
Samuel L. Jackson managed to keep a straight face while reciting his
Steven Tyler cameos as an undercover agent trying to keep tabs on the
Dark Side in the drag guise of Big Mama-Kin Skywalker.
Surprise cameo featuring George Lucas rolling around in a pile of
That scene where Triumph the Insult Comic Dog gets all up in Darth
Vader's grill.
To improve the acting range and add depth to the Anakin
Skywalker/Darth Vader character, Hayden Christensen shares screen time
with his "Attack of the Clones" action figure.
We learn that Yoda developed his backward speech style as a joke for
his 300th birthday and liked it so much he just kept it.
Weird alien bar scene features Michael Jackson, Anne Heche and Mike
Tyson as a 10,000 Maniacs tribute band.
Yoda has a pet wamp rat named Fluffy.
Yoda? Hermaphrodite.
"Marry Padme you did, but father her children you did not. That
shorter Jedi did, hmmm?"
After the end credits, there's a still shot of George Lucas' ass.
Tattooed upon it are the words "Kiss It Again, Fanboys."
Anakin Skywalker descends into hell, becoming gangsta rapper Darth V.
Anakin grows up to become not Darth Vader, but Captain Kirk.
Attempting to repair deeply rooted public disdain, Jar Jar Binks
appears in a scene with Jane Fonda.
Darth Vader *does* betray and murder Luke's father. And then the
bastard adopts him!
It quickly becomes obvious that Chewbacca was the man in his later
relationship with Han.
Millions of geeks stayed up late Wednesday night to feel the power of
the dork side.
Obi-Wan throws Darth Vader his cloak in exchange for a Coke.
PG-13 rating may actually be rather charitable, considering that
steamy Jabba the Hutt sex scene.
Palpatine is actually Darth Sidious? Gosh, why didn't I notice that
Pregnant, schmegnant -- she's *still* hot.
The cameo by Buzz Lightyear.
The dark side of Yoda? Fozzie Bear!
The leather holster for Mace Windu's lightsaber clearly reads "Bad
Mother F*cker."
Anakin's trip to the Dark Side begins with a marathon session of
"Magic: The Gathering" in a damp basement.
George Lucas does a Hitchcock-style cameo as the Jedi Macarena
Wookiee planet populated by thousands of Robin Williams clones.
Who's that scrunching himself up to get inside the Yoda suit? None
other than Jude Frickin' Law!
Jabba and Kirstie Alley appear on-screen together. So much for *that*
A Jedi mutters, "Why the hell is this guy still here?!?" then swiftly
lightsaber-beheads Jar Jar Binks.
In the end they eat Yoda and decide he tastes like asparagus.
The second half is nothing but Jar Jar Binks fishing with his
half-brother Ginko Biloba.
Chancellor Palpatine played by now-wrinkly Mark Hamill.
The mystery of Michael Jackson's origin is still unanswered.
Rumors of on-screen allusions to the Bush administration are
ridiculous. George W. Bush looks nothing like Chancellor W. Palpatine.
That "Star Wars" kid from the Internet video totally handed Skywalker
his ass.
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Tabloid pics of Darth Vader doing laundry on Tatooine in his skivvies.
and the Number 1 Biggest Surprise in the New "Star Wars" Movie...
Anakin is a sled.
The opposition party accuses Palpatine's party of stealing the election.

The Republic buys election software from Diebold.
2005-06-09 11:10:24 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
After several years at the Intergalactic Berlitz Academy, Chewbacca
spoke 14 languages fluently. Then came his habit of chewing tobacco,
his throat cancer, the laryngectomy and the nickname.
Britney Spears and Han Solo were married for a few weeks.
Chewbacca finishes second in a holographic chess tournament, won by a
formerly two-armed contestant.
Darth Vader's power really comes from Cheez-Its and Kellogg's Corn
Fight scene involving Obi-Wan's lightsaber and Padme's distended belly
Jar Jar inadvertently allows Chancellor Palpatine to create the Empire
by introducing a measure in the Galactic Senate to end the filibuster.
Samuel L. Jackson managed to keep a straight face while reciting his
Steven Tyler cameos as an undercover agent trying to keep tabs on the
Dark Side in the drag guise of Big Mama-Kin Skywalker.
Surprise cameo featuring George Lucas rolling around in a pile of
That scene where Triumph the Insult Comic Dog gets all up in Darth
Vader's grill.
To improve the acting range and add depth to the Anakin
Skywalker/Darth Vader character, Hayden Christensen shares screen time
with his "Attack of the Clones" action figure.
We learn that Yoda developed his backward speech style as a joke for
his 300th birthday and liked it so much he just kept it.
Weird alien bar scene features Michael Jackson, Anne Heche and Mike
Tyson as a 10,000 Maniacs tribute band.
Yoda has a pet wamp rat named Fluffy.
Yoda? Hermaphrodite.
"Marry Padme you did, but father her children you did not. That
shorter Jedi did, hmmm?"
After the end credits, there's a still shot of George Lucas' ass.
Tattooed upon it are the words "Kiss It Again, Fanboys."
Anakin Skywalker descends into hell, becoming gangsta rapper Darth V.
Anakin grows up to become not Darth Vader, but Captain Kirk.
Attempting to repair deeply rooted public disdain, Jar Jar Binks
appears in a scene with Jane Fonda.
Darth Vader *does* betray and murder Luke's father. And then the
bastard adopts him!
It quickly becomes obvious that Chewbacca was the man in his later
relationship with Han.
Millions of geeks stayed up late Wednesday night to feel the power of
the dork side.
Obi-Wan throws Darth Vader his cloak in exchange for a Coke.
PG-13 rating may actually be rather charitable, considering that
steamy Jabba the Hutt sex scene.
Palpatine is actually Darth Sidious? Gosh, why didn't I notice that
Pregnant, schmegnant -- she's *still* hot.
The cameo by Buzz Lightyear.
The dark side of Yoda? Fozzie Bear!
The leather holster for Mace Windu's lightsaber clearly reads "Bad
Mother F*cker."
Anakin's trip to the Dark Side begins with a marathon session of
"Magic: The Gathering" in a damp basement.
George Lucas does a Hitchcock-style cameo as the Jedi Macarena
Wookiee planet populated by thousands of Robin Williams clones.
Who's that scrunching himself up to get inside the Yoda suit? None
other than Jude Frickin' Law!
Jabba and Kirstie Alley appear on-screen together. So much for *that*
A Jedi mutters, "Why the hell is this guy still here?!?" then swiftly
lightsaber-beheads Jar Jar Binks.
In the end they eat Yoda and decide he tastes like asparagus.
The second half is nothing but Jar Jar Binks fishing with his
half-brother Ginko Biloba.
Chancellor Palpatine played by now-wrinkly Mark Hamill.
The mystery of Michael Jackson's origin is still unanswered.
Rumors of on-screen allusions to the Bush administration are
ridiculous. George W. Bush looks nothing like Chancellor W. Palpatine.
That "Star Wars" kid from the Internet video totally handed Skywalker
his ass.
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Tabloid pics of Darth Vader doing laundry on Tatooine in his skivvies.
and the Number 1 Biggest Surprise in the New "Star Wars" Movie...
Anakin is a sled.
Why has it got a proper name then? If they give inanimate objects pet proper
names the film's going to be even worse than I thought! Dumbed down for the
kids! Having the two funny robots was bad enough!
Post by Tim Bruening
The opposition party accuses Palpatine's party of stealing the election.
The Republic buys election software from Diebold.
The Bold usually die before the meek, as in . .

There are old pilots, and there are bold pilots -
But there are no old, bold pilots.
(Some Mothers do 'av 'em.)

It's also why there's a death march in the middle of Beethoven's Eroica
Tim Bruening
2005-06-10 07:21:32 UTC
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
Tabloid pics of Darth Vader doing laundry on Tatooine in his skivvies.
Skivvy: Vampire underwear.

Undies: Demon briefs, or D. Briefs for short.

Indy: Demon car race.
Tim Bruening
2005-06-12 10:42:32 UTC
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
After several years at the Intergalactic Berlitz Academy, Chewbacca
spoke 14 languages fluently. Then came his habit of chewing tobacco,
his throat cancer, the laryngectomy and the nickname.
Britney Spears and Han Solo were married for a few weeks.
Chewbacca finishes second in a holographic chess tournament, won by a
formerly two-armed contestant.
Darth Vader's power really comes from Cheez-Its and Kellogg's Corn
Fight scene involving Obi-Wan's lightsaber and Padme's distended belly
Jar Jar inadvertently allows Chancellor Palpatine to create the Empire
by introducing a measure in the Galactic Senate to end the filibuster.
Samuel L. Jackson managed to keep a straight face while reciting his
Steven Tyler cameos as an undercover agent trying to keep tabs on the
Dark Side in the drag guise of Big Mama-Kin Skywalker.
Surprise cameo featuring George Lucas rolling around in a pile of
That scene where Triumph the Insult Comic Dog gets all up in Darth
Vader's grill.
To improve the acting range and add depth to the Anakin
Skywalker/Darth Vader character, Hayden Christensen shares screen time
with his "Attack of the Clones" action figure.
We learn that Yoda developed his backward speech style as a joke for
his 300th birthday and liked it so much he just kept it.
Weird alien bar scene features Michael Jackson, Anne Heche and Mike
Tyson as a 10,000 Maniacs tribute band.
Yoda has a pet wamp rat named Fluffy.
Yoda? Hermaphrodite.
"Marry Padme you did, but father her children you did not. That
shorter Jedi did, hmmm?"
After the end credits, there's a still shot of George Lucas' ass.
Tattooed upon it are the words "Kiss It Again, Fanboys."
Anakin Skywalker descends into hell, becoming gangsta rapper Darth V.
Anakin grows up to become not Darth Vader, but Captain Kirk.
Attempting to repair deeply rooted public disdain, Jar Jar Binks
appears in a scene with Jane Fonda.
Darth Vader *does* betray and murder Luke's father. And then the
bastard adopts him!
It quickly becomes obvious that Chewbacca was the man in his later
relationship with Han.
Millions of geeks stayed up late Wednesday night to feel the power of
the dork side.
Obi-Wan throws Darth Vader his cloak in exchange for a Coke.
PG-13 rating may actually be rather charitable, considering that
steamy Jabba the Hutt sex scene.
Palpatine is actually Darth Sidious? Gosh, why didn't I notice that
Pregnant, schmegnant -- she's *still* hot.
The cameo by Buzz Lightyear.
The dark side of Yoda? Fozzie Bear!
The leather holster for Mace Windu's lightsaber clearly reads "Bad
Mother F*cker."
Anakin's trip to the Dark Side begins with a marathon session of
"Magic: The Gathering" in a damp basement.
George Lucas does a Hitchcock-style cameo as the Jedi Macarena
Wookiee planet populated by thousands of Robin Williams clones.
Who's that scrunching himself up to get inside the Yoda suit? None
other than Jude Frickin' Law!
Jabba and Kirstie Alley appear on-screen together. So much for *that*
A Jedi mutters, "Why the hell is this guy still here?!?" then swiftly
lightsaber-beheads Jar Jar Binks.
In the end they eat Yoda and decide he tastes like asparagus.
The second half is nothing but Jar Jar Binks fishing with his
half-brother Ginko Biloba.
Chancellor Palpatine played by now-wrinkly Mark Hamill.
The mystery of Michael Jackson's origin is still unanswered.
Rumors of on-screen allusions to the Bush administration are
ridiculous. George W. Bush looks nothing like Chancellor W. Palpatine.
That "Star Wars" kid from the Internet video totally handed Skywalker
his ass.
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Tabloid pics of Darth Vader doing laundry on Tatooine in his skivvies.
and the Number 1 Biggest Surprise in the New "Star Wars" Movie...
Anakin is a sled.
Thousands of Jedi Masters are accused of sexually molesting their
students in various Jedi Temples.

Jar Jar Binks sponsors the Republic Patriot Act to give security and
intelligence agencies more power to spy on people.

Republic prison guards are accused of stacking naked prisoners in
pyramids, putting leashes on them, and making them stand on boxes with
electrodes attached.
2005-06-15 15:01:33 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
After several years at the Intergalactic Berlitz Academy, Chewbacca
spoke 14 languages fluently. Then came his habit of chewing tobacco,
his throat cancer, the laryngectomy and the nickname.
Britney Spears and Han Solo were married for a few weeks.
Chewbacca finishes second in a holographic chess tournament, won by a
formerly two-armed contestant.
Darth Vader's power really comes from Cheez-Its and Kellogg's Corn
Fight scene involving Obi-Wan's lightsaber and Padme's distended belly
Jar Jar inadvertently allows Chancellor Palpatine to create the Empire
by introducing a measure in the Galactic Senate to end the filibuster.
Samuel L. Jackson managed to keep a straight face while reciting his
Steven Tyler cameos as an undercover agent trying to keep tabs on the
Dark Side in the drag guise of Big Mama-Kin Skywalker.
Surprise cameo featuring George Lucas rolling around in a pile of
That scene where Triumph the Insult Comic Dog gets all up in Darth
Vader's grill.
To improve the acting range and add depth to the Anakin
Skywalker/Darth Vader character, Hayden Christensen shares screen time
with his "Attack of the Clones" action figure.
We learn that Yoda developed his backward speech style as a joke for
his 300th birthday and liked it so much he just kept it.
Weird alien bar scene features Michael Jackson, Anne Heche and Mike
Tyson as a 10,000 Maniacs tribute band.
Yoda has a pet wamp rat named Fluffy.
Yoda? Hermaphrodite.
"Marry Padme you did, but father her children you did not. That
shorter Jedi did, hmmm?"
After the end credits, there's a still shot of George Lucas' ass.
Tattooed upon it are the words "Kiss It Again, Fanboys."
Anakin Skywalker descends into hell, becoming gangsta rapper Darth V.
Anakin grows up to become not Darth Vader, but Captain Kirk.
Attempting to repair deeply rooted public disdain, Jar Jar Binks
appears in a scene with Jane Fonda.
Darth Vader *does* betray and murder Luke's father. And then the
bastard adopts him!
It quickly becomes obvious that Chewbacca was the man in his later
relationship with Han.
Millions of geeks stayed up late Wednesday night to feel the power of
the dork side.
Obi-Wan throws Darth Vader his cloak in exchange for a Coke.
PG-13 rating may actually be rather charitable, considering that
steamy Jabba the Hutt sex scene.
Palpatine is actually Darth Sidious? Gosh, why didn't I notice that
Pregnant, schmegnant -- she's *still* hot.
The cameo by Buzz Lightyear.
The dark side of Yoda? Fozzie Bear!
The leather holster for Mace Windu's lightsaber clearly reads "Bad
Mother F*cker."
Anakin's trip to the Dark Side begins with a marathon session of
"Magic: The Gathering" in a damp basement.
George Lucas does a Hitchcock-style cameo as the Jedi Macarena
Wookiee planet populated by thousands of Robin Williams clones.
Who's that scrunching himself up to get inside the Yoda suit? None
other than Jude Frickin' Law!
Jabba and Kirstie Alley appear on-screen together. So much for *that*
A Jedi mutters, "Why the hell is this guy still here?!?" then swiftly
lightsaber-beheads Jar Jar Binks.
In the end they eat Yoda and decide he tastes like asparagus.
The second half is nothing but Jar Jar Binks fishing with his
half-brother Ginko Biloba.
Chancellor Palpatine played by now-wrinkly Mark Hamill.
The mystery of Michael Jackson's origin is still unanswered.
Rumors of on-screen allusions to the Bush administration are
ridiculous. George W. Bush looks nothing like Chancellor W. Palpatine.
That "Star Wars" kid from the Internet video totally handed Skywalker
his ass.
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Tabloid pics of Darth Vader doing laundry on Tatooine in his skivvies.
and the Number 1 Biggest Surprise in the New "Star Wars" Movie...
Anakin is a sled.
Thousands of Jedi Masters are accused of sexually molesting their
students in various Jedi Temples.
Whacko Jacko could play one of those. They could save money on the costume
too. He already has a built-in mask!
Post by Tim Bruening
Jar Jar Binks sponsors the Republic Patriot Act to give security and
intelligence agencies more power to spy on people.
Republic prison guards are accused of stacking naked prisoners in
pyramids, putting leashes on them, and making them stand on boxes with
electrodes attached.
So they've started torturing boxes now?
2005-08-09 03:49:38 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Republic prison guards are accused of stacking naked prisoners in
pyramids, putting leashes on them, and making them stand on boxes with
electrodes attached.
All enemy combatants are droids. They're already naked. And seldom
taken prisoner.
2005-08-09 12:08:53 UTC
Post by Todd
Post by Tim Bruening
Republic prison guards are accused of stacking naked prisoners in
pyramids, putting leashes on them, and making them stand on boxes with
electrodes attached.
All enemy combatants are droids. They're already naked. And seldom
taken prisoner.
Big blocks of stone are better for making pyramids - otherwise when they get
too tall they collapse in a big, squidgy, bloody mess!

Praps that's what happened to the piggy face of that allegedly female US
soldier - a pile of them collapsed on her head!

Saw a bunch of Moslem youngsters playing football up Regent's Park yesterday
and shouting out "Allah" and "Allah hwwakhbah" (excuse the phonetic
spelling) to each other in their excitement when they successfully passed
the ball or scored a goal.

It was a nice sunny evening and it was very nice to hear those expressions
being used under such happy circumstances.

The horrible nasty little fundamentalists would loathed the way they were
enjoying themselves!

One of them has already run away to Lebanon because he's frightened of being
charged with treason over here! Coward!


He's still going "Boo!" at the camera!
J. A. Mc.
2005-08-09 18:49:50 UTC
Post by Todd
Post by Tim Bruening
Republic prison guards are accused of stacking naked prisoners in
pyramids, putting leashes on them, and making them stand on boxes with
electrodes attached.
All enemy combatants are droids. They're already naked. And seldom
taken prisoner.
Timmette speaketh from personal experience ... he's the minority whip.
Tim Bruening
2005-10-13 08:30:56 UTC
Post by J. A. Mc.
Post by Todd
Post by Tim Bruening
Republic prison guards are accused of stacking naked prisoners in
pyramids, putting leashes on them, and making them stand on boxes with
electrodes attached.
All enemy combatants are droids. They're already naked. And seldom
taken prisoner.
Timmette speaketh from personal experience ... he's the minority whip.
Anakin took a human named Count Doku (sp?) prisoner, then beheaded him! He
later took Chancellor Palpatine prisoner and almost beheaded him too!
Tim Bruening
2005-06-12 10:45:07 UTC
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
After several years at the Intergalactic Berlitz Academy, Chewbacca
spoke 14 languages fluently. Then came his habit of chewing tobacco,
his throat cancer, the laryngectomy and the nickname.
Britney Spears and Han Solo were married for a few weeks.
Chewbacca finishes second in a holographic chess tournament, won by a
formerly two-armed contestant.
Darth Vader's power really comes from Cheez-Its and Kellogg's Corn
Fight scene involving Obi-Wan's lightsaber and Padme's distended belly
Jar Jar inadvertently allows Chancellor Palpatine to create the Empire
by introducing a measure in the Galactic Senate to end the filibuster.
Samuel L. Jackson managed to keep a straight face while reciting his
Steven Tyler cameos as an undercover agent trying to keep tabs on the
Dark Side in the drag guise of Big Mama-Kin Skywalker.
Surprise cameo featuring George Lucas rolling around in a pile of
That scene where Triumph the Insult Comic Dog gets all up in Darth
Vader's grill.
To improve the acting range and add depth to the Anakin
Skywalker/Darth Vader character, Hayden Christensen shares screen time
with his "Attack of the Clones" action figure.
We learn that Yoda developed his backward speech style as a joke for
his 300th birthday and liked it so much he just kept it.
Weird alien bar scene features Michael Jackson, Anne Heche and Mike
Tyson as a 10,000 Maniacs tribute band.
Yoda has a pet wamp rat named Fluffy.
Yoda? Hermaphrodite.
"Marry Padme you did, but father her children you did not. That
shorter Jedi did, hmmm?"
After the end credits, there's a still shot of George Lucas' ass.
Tattooed upon it are the words "Kiss It Again, Fanboys."
Anakin Skywalker descends into hell, becoming gangsta rapper Darth V.
Anakin grows up to become not Darth Vader, but Captain Kirk.
Attempting to repair deeply rooted public disdain, Jar Jar Binks
appears in a scene with Jane Fonda.
Darth Vader *does* betray and murder Luke's father. And then the
bastard adopts him!
It quickly becomes obvious that Chewbacca was the man in his later
relationship with Han.
Millions of geeks stayed up late Wednesday night to feel the power of
the dork side.
Obi-Wan throws Darth Vader his cloak in exchange for a Coke.
PG-13 rating may actually be rather charitable, considering that
steamy Jabba the Hutt sex scene.
Palpatine is actually Darth Sidious? Gosh, why didn't I notice that
Pregnant, schmegnant -- she's *still* hot.
The cameo by Buzz Lightyear.
The dark side of Yoda? Fozzie Bear!
The leather holster for Mace Windu's lightsaber clearly reads "Bad
Mother F*cker."
Anakin's trip to the Dark Side begins with a marathon session of
"Magic: The Gathering" in a damp basement.
George Lucas does a Hitchcock-style cameo as the Jedi Macarena
Wookiee planet populated by thousands of Robin Williams clones.
Who's that scrunching himself up to get inside the Yoda suit? None
other than Jude Frickin' Law!
Jabba and Kirstie Alley appear on-screen together. So much for *that*
A Jedi mutters, "Why the hell is this guy still here?!?" then swiftly
lightsaber-beheads Jar Jar Binks.
In the end they eat Yoda and decide he tastes like asparagus.
The second half is nothing but Jar Jar Binks fishing with his
half-brother Ginko Biloba.
Chancellor Palpatine played by now-wrinkly Mark Hamill.
The mystery of Michael Jackson's origin is still unanswered.
Rumors of on-screen allusions to the Bush administration are
ridiculous. George W. Bush looks nothing like Chancellor W. Palpatine.
That "Star Wars" kid from the Internet video totally handed Skywalker
his ass.
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Tabloid pics of Darth Vader doing laundry on Tatooine in his skivvies.
and the Number 1 Biggest Surprise in the New "Star Wars" Movie...
Anakin is a sled.
Palpatine calls for constitutional amendments to ban homosexual
marriages, inter species marriage, and abortion. He also calls for a
constitutional amendment to permit prayers in schools.
2005-06-15 15:03:39 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
After several years at the Intergalactic Berlitz Academy, Chewbacca
spoke 14 languages fluently. Then came his habit of chewing tobacco,
his throat cancer, the laryngectomy and the nickname.
Britney Spears and Han Solo were married for a few weeks.
Chewbacca finishes second in a holographic chess tournament, won by a
formerly two-armed contestant.
Darth Vader's power really comes from Cheez-Its and Kellogg's Corn
Fight scene involving Obi-Wan's lightsaber and Padme's distended belly
Jar Jar inadvertently allows Chancellor Palpatine to create the Empire
by introducing a measure in the Galactic Senate to end the filibuster.
Samuel L. Jackson managed to keep a straight face while reciting his
Steven Tyler cameos as an undercover agent trying to keep tabs on the
Dark Side in the drag guise of Big Mama-Kin Skywalker.
Surprise cameo featuring George Lucas rolling around in a pile of
That scene where Triumph the Insult Comic Dog gets all up in Darth
Vader's grill.
To improve the acting range and add depth to the Anakin
Skywalker/Darth Vader character, Hayden Christensen shares screen time
with his "Attack of the Clones" action figure.
We learn that Yoda developed his backward speech style as a joke for
his 300th birthday and liked it so much he just kept it.
Weird alien bar scene features Michael Jackson, Anne Heche and Mike
Tyson as a 10,000 Maniacs tribute band.
Yoda has a pet wamp rat named Fluffy.
Yoda? Hermaphrodite.
"Marry Padme you did, but father her children you did not. That
shorter Jedi did, hmmm?"
After the end credits, there's a still shot of George Lucas' ass.
Tattooed upon it are the words "Kiss It Again, Fanboys."
Anakin Skywalker descends into hell, becoming gangsta rapper Darth V.
Anakin grows up to become not Darth Vader, but Captain Kirk.
Attempting to repair deeply rooted public disdain, Jar Jar Binks
appears in a scene with Jane Fonda.
Darth Vader *does* betray and murder Luke's father. And then the
bastard adopts him!
It quickly becomes obvious that Chewbacca was the man in his later
relationship with Han.
Millions of geeks stayed up late Wednesday night to feel the power of
the dork side.
Obi-Wan throws Darth Vader his cloak in exchange for a Coke.
PG-13 rating may actually be rather charitable, considering that
steamy Jabba the Hutt sex scene.
Palpatine is actually Darth Sidious? Gosh, why didn't I notice that
Pregnant, schmegnant -- she's *still* hot.
The cameo by Buzz Lightyear.
The dark side of Yoda? Fozzie Bear!
The leather holster for Mace Windu's lightsaber clearly reads "Bad
Mother F*cker."
Anakin's trip to the Dark Side begins with a marathon session of
"Magic: The Gathering" in a damp basement.
George Lucas does a Hitchcock-style cameo as the Jedi Macarena
Wookiee planet populated by thousands of Robin Williams clones.
Who's that scrunching himself up to get inside the Yoda suit? None
other than Jude Frickin' Law!
Jabba and Kirstie Alley appear on-screen together. So much for *that*
A Jedi mutters, "Why the hell is this guy still here?!?" then swiftly
lightsaber-beheads Jar Jar Binks.
In the end they eat Yoda and decide he tastes like asparagus.
The second half is nothing but Jar Jar Binks fishing with his
half-brother Ginko Biloba.
Chancellor Palpatine played by now-wrinkly Mark Hamill.
The mystery of Michael Jackson's origin is still unanswered.
Rumors of on-screen allusions to the Bush administration are
ridiculous. George W. Bush looks nothing like Chancellor W. Palpatine.
That "Star Wars" kid from the Internet video totally handed Skywalker
his ass.
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Tabloid pics of Darth Vader doing laundry on Tatooine in his skivvies.
and the Number 1 Biggest Surprise in the New "Star Wars" Movie...
Anakin is a sled.
Palpatine calls for constitutional amendments to ban homosexual
marriages, inter species marriage, and abortion. He also calls for a
constitutional amendment to permit prayers in schools.
Tim Bruening
2005-06-23 08:09:47 UTC
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.

The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
2005-06-24 00:30:53 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
Tim Bruening
2005-06-24 07:16:53 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
The Empire bans stem cell research.
Tim Bruening
2005-06-24 07:18:06 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
Republic Senators accuse Palpatine of getting caught in a quagmire.
2005-06-24 10:21:21 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
Republic Senators accuse Palpatine of getting caught in a quagmire.
Did he get that name from going around feeling teenagers?
Tim Bruening
2005-10-14 12:25:30 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
The Empire bans stem cell research and abortion.
2005-10-17 11:23:12 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
The Empire bans stem cell research and abortion.
. . after Daft Vader attends a Billy Graham rally?
Tim Bruening
2006-03-01 08:04:02 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
The Empire bans stem cell research and abortion.
2006-03-01 10:26:12 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
The Empire bans stem cell research and abortion.
Stem Cell: Practiced by an unlucky florist whose flowers have all had their
heads chopped off by a strange kind of burglar.
Tim Bruening
2007-03-01 03:11:11 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
The Empire bans stem cell research and abortion.

The Empire is found to have suppressed evidence on global warming.
2007-03-01 23:34:15 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
The Empire bans stem cell research and abortion.
The Empire is found to have suppressed evidence on global warming.
Remains of a cricket referee found incased in concrete in the base of a
building: Foundation and Umpire.
Tim Bruening
2007-03-02 03:47:56 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
The Empire bans stem cell research and abortion.
The Empire is found to have suppressed evidence on global warming.
Remains of a cricket referee found incased in concrete in the base of a
building: Foundation and Umpire.
Actual book titles by retire Umpire Ron Luciano: The Umpire Strikes Back, Fall
Of The Roman Umpire.
2007-03-02 17:47:58 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
The Empire bans stem cell research and abortion.
The Empire is found to have suppressed evidence on global warming.
Remains of a cricket referee found incased in concrete in the base of a
building: Foundation and Umpire.
Actual book titles by retire Umpire Ron Luciano: The Umpire Strikes Back, Fall
Of The Roman Umpire.
LOL! I wonder if he'd be willing to come and keep the peace on here.
Tim Bruening
2008-01-30 08:01:56 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
The Empire bans stem cell research and abortion.
The Empire is found to have suppressed evidence on global warming.
Remains of a cricket referee found incased in concrete in the base of a
building: Foundation and Umpire.
Actual book titles by retire Umpire Ron Luciano: The Umpire Strikes
Back, Fall
Of The Roman Umpire.
2008-01-31 02:38:19 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
The Empire bans stem cell research and abortion.
The Empire is found to have suppressed evidence on global warming.
Remains of a cricket referee found incased in concrete in the base of a
building: Foundation and Umpire.
Actual book titles by retire Umpire Ron Luciano: The Umpire Strikes
Back, Fall
Of The Roman Umpire.
I'm reading Foreword The Foundation at the moment, and I'll tell you what -
it's a hell of a long foreword!
Tim Bruening
2008-01-29 10:15:23 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
The Empire bans stem cell research and abortion.

The Empire is found to have suppressed evidence on global warming.
2008-01-31 02:38:19 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
The Empire bans stem cell research and abortion.
Post by Tim Bruening
The Empire is found to have suppressed evidence on global warming.
That's daft, Vada!
Tim Bruening
2008-02-27 09:00:06 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
The Empire bans stem cell research and abortion.

The Empire is found to have suppressed evidence on global warming.
Tim Bruening
2009-02-28 20:53:45 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
Sounds like they don't know what they're Darwin!
The Empire bans stem cell research and abortion.

The Empire is found to have suppressed evidence on global warming.

The Old Republic had a subprime mortgage crisis which triggered a deep
recession, helping Palpatine consolidate his power.
Tim Bruening
2005-06-24 07:23:40 UTC
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
The Republic Senate passes an amendment to ban flag burning.
Tim Bruening
2005-06-24 08:15:12 UTC
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
The Empire gives tax breaks to oil drillers.
Tim Bruening
2006-03-04 09:30:48 UTC
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.

The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.

The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.

Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
2006-03-04 12:43:47 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
Most people diestupid of diescared!
Tim Bruening
2006-07-07 22:46:21 UTC
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.

The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.

The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.

Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
2006-07-08 11:06:30 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
Really? I thought it was Fred Karno's Army!

Tim Bruening
2007-06-26 21:46:24 UTC
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.

The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.

The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.

Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.

The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up a
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
2007-06-30 11:05:08 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
And their boss is a Lighth Vader?
Post by Tim Bruening
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
So do parts of the US - in spite of the obvious resemblance between
Dubbaya's facial expressions and those of a chimpanzee!

Or perhaps because of them.
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
Very difficult to Diebold. You can be very couragious beforehand foot toe
and knee, but at the point of death, the mast vajority of people are very
scared and humble, innit?!!
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up a
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
Finally time for "Spaceballs 2 - The Search for More Money" perhaps?
Tim Bruening
2007-06-30 23:51:39 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
And their boss is a Lighth Vader?
Post by Tim Bruening
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
So do parts of the US - in spite of the obvious resemblance between
Dubbaya's facial expressions and those of a chimpanzee!
Or perhaps because of them.
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
Very difficult to Diebold. You can be very couragious beforehand foot toe
and knee, but at the point of death, the mast vajority of people are very
scared and humble, innit?!!
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up a
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
Finally time for "Spaceballs 2 - The Search for More Money" perhaps?
Senator Padme called for the impeachment of Chancellor Palpatine.
2007-07-02 15:02:54 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
And their boss is a Lighth Vader?
Post by Tim Bruening
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
So do parts of the US - in spite of the obvious resemblance between
Dubbaya's facial expressions and those of a chimpanzee!
Or perhaps because of them.
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
Very difficult to Diebold. You can be very couragious beforehand foot toe
and knee, but at the point of death, the mast vajority of people are very
scared and humble, innit?!!
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up a
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
Finally time for "Spaceballs 2 - The Search for More Money" perhaps?
Senator Padme called for the impeachment of Chancellor Palpatine.
Weee are the Palpateenies - little Burles and Goys.
We say our daft names all the day,
It makes the old folks go away.
Will you share our songs and stories,
Will you share our joys,
Because we get up Palpatine -
At breakfast tea and in between -
She loves it if you know what we mean,
We're happy girls and boys!

Wasn't she one of the Optimen in The Eyes of Heisenberg???
Tim Bruening
2007-07-02 08:19:20 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
And their boss is a Lighth Vader?
Post by Tim Bruening
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
So do parts of the US - in spite of the obvious resemblance between
Dubbaya's facial expressions and those of a chimpanzee!
Or perhaps because of them.
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
Very difficult to Diebold. You can be very couragious beforehand foot toe
and knee, but at the point of death, the mast vajority of people are very
scared and humble, innit?!!
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up a
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
Finally time for "Spaceballs 2 - The Search for More Money" perhaps?
Senator Padme sponsored a no confidence vote on the Galactic Attorney
Tim Bruening
2007-07-02 08:20:02 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
And their boss is a Lighth Vader?
Post by Tim Bruening
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
So do parts of the US - in spite of the obvious resemblance between
Dubbaya's facial expressions and those of a chimpanzee!
Or perhaps because of them.
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
Very difficult to Diebold. You can be very couragious beforehand foot toe
and knee, but at the point of death, the mast vajority of people are very
scared and humble, innit?!!
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up a
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
Finally time for "Spaceballs 2 - The Search for More Money" perhaps?
Chancellor Palpatine set up a wireless surveillance program.
2007-07-02 15:03:56 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
And their boss is a Lighth Vader?
Post by Tim Bruening
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
So do parts of the US - in spite of the obvious resemblance between
Dubbaya's facial expressions and those of a chimpanzee!
Or perhaps because of them.
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
Very difficult to Diebold. You can be very couragious beforehand foot toe
and knee, but at the point of death, the mast vajority of people are very
scared and humble, innit?!!
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up a
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
Finally time for "Spaceballs 2 - The Search for More Money" perhaps?
Chancellor Palpatine set up a wireless surveillance program.
Why would she want to spy upon people's wireless sets?
Tim Bruening
2007-07-03 03:25:31 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
And their boss is a Lighth Vader?
Post by Tim Bruening
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
So do parts of the US - in spite of the obvious resemblance between
Dubbaya's facial expressions and those of a chimpanzee!
Or perhaps because of them.
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
Very difficult to Diebold. You can be very couragious beforehand foot
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
and knee, but at the point of death, the mast vajority of people are
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
scared and humble, innit?!!
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
Finally time for "Spaceballs 2 - The Search for More Money" perhaps?
Chancellor Palpatine set up a wireless surveillance program.
Why would she want to spy upon people's wireless sets?
Palpatine is a man!
2007-07-04 02:08:21 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
And their boss is a Lighth Vader?
Post by Tim Bruening
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
So do parts of the US - in spite of the obvious resemblance between
Dubbaya's facial expressions and those of a chimpanzee!
Or perhaps because of them.
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
Very difficult to Diebold. You can be very couragious beforehand foot
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
and knee, but at the point of death, the mast vajority of people are
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
scared and humble, innit?!!
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
Finally time for "Spaceballs 2 - The Search for More Money" perhaps?
Chancellor Palpatine set up a wireless surveillance program.
Why would she want to spy upon people's wireless sets?
Palpatine is a man!
I'm still thin king of the character in The Eyes of Heisenberg. Calapine!!
That's her. Right cow!

Sounds like a cross between a Vernier gauge and a willie!
Tim Bruening
2009-06-30 23:05:40 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
And their boss is a Lighth Vader?
Post by Tim Bruening
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
So do parts of the US - in spite of the obvious resemblance between
Dubbaya's facial expressions and those of a chimpanzee!
Or perhaps because of them.
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
Very difficult to Diebold. You can be very couragious beforehand foot toe
and knee, but at the point of death, the mast vajority of people are very
scared and humble, innit?!!
Post by Tim Bruening
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up a
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
Finally time for "Spaceballs 2 - The Search for More Money" perhaps?
Senator Padme called for the impeachment of Chancellor Palpatine.

Thousands of Palpatine opponents sent messages on Twitter protesting
Palpatine's election as fraudulent.

Tim Bruening
2008-04-01 00:29:55 UTC
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.

The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.

The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.

Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.

The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up a
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
2008-06-26 21:36:33 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up a
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
They look after the chocolate bars?
2008-06-27 00:44:55 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up a
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
They look after the chocolate bars?
2008-06-28 20:30:37 UTC
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up a
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
They look after the chocolate bars?
You're not Spitfire from alt.tastless.humour from 9/11 days are yer. He used
to do one-word answers.

He also used to try to wind people up by signing off, "You done yet?" so I
started using, "Odin yet?? Norse not!"

We've got a beer here in teh UK called Spitfire and at teh bottom of teh
label it says, "The Bottle of Britain"!!

Yum, again!
2008-06-28 20:52:53 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up a
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
They look after the chocolate bars?
You're not Spitfire from alt.tastless.humour from 9/11 days are yer. He used
to do one-word answers.
Post by nemo
He also used to try to wind people up by signing off, "You done yet?" so I
started using, "Odin yet?? Norse not!"
Post by nemo
We've got a beer here in teh UK called Spitfire and at teh bottom of teh
label it says, "The Bottle of Britain"!!
Wish I had a dozen bottles of it right now!
Post by nemo
Yum, again!
That was nice of you.

2008-06-29 09:05:00 UTC
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
They look after the chocolate bars?
You're not Spitfire from alt.tastless.humour from 9/11 days are yer. He used
to do one-word answers.
Fairy nough.
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
He also used to try to wind people up by signing off, "You done yet?" so I
started using, "Odin yet?? Norse not!"
So are Donner Kebabs!
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
We've got a beer here in teh UK called Spitfire and at teh bottom of teh
label it says, "The Bottle of Britain"!!
Wish I had a dozen bottles of it right now!
Post by nemo
Yum, again!
That was nice of you.
Purely accidental higher sewer ewe.
2008-06-29 20:37:25 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
They look after the chocolate bars?
You're not Spitfire from alt.tastless.humour from 9/11 days are yer. He used
to do one-word answers.
Fairy nough.
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
He also used to try to wind people up by signing off, "You done yet?"
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
started using, "Odin yet?? Norse not!"
So are Donner Kebabs!
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
We've got a beer here in teh UK called Spitfire and at teh bottom of teh
label it says, "The Bottle of Britain"!!
Wish I had a dozen bottles of it right now!
Post by nemo
Yum, again!
That was nice of you.
Purely accidental higher sewer ewe.
What are the odds of that?

2008-07-04 05:30:28 UTC
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
They look after the chocolate bars?
You're not Spitfire from alt.tastless.humour from 9/11 days are yer.
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
to do one-word answers.
Fairy nough.
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
He also used to try to wind people up by signing off, "You done yet?"
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
started using, "Odin yet?? Norse not!"
So are Donner Kebabs!
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
We've got a beer here in teh UK called Spitfire and at teh bottom of teh
label it says, "The Bottle of Britain"!!
Wish I had a dozen bottles of it right now!
Post by nemo
Yum, again!
That was nice of you.
Purely accidental higher sewer ewe.
What are the odds of that?
About 12:50. I'm having Batata curry (Alloo alloo alloo!) in a few minutes,
with Basmati rice and a mung bean curry with all the spices that aren't in
the Batata Vada. Works well that does. You get a nice contrast of flavours -
and with a nice bottle of inSainsbury's Montepulciano d'Abruzzo to wash it
down with.

Well, only two or three glasses actually. I've got to be up early tomorrow
to take delivery of a Sigma 10-20mm zoom lens. I'm fed up with having to
walk backwards to get everything in shot! There are these things called
cliffs you know! :o(

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghghghghg! . . . . SPLATT!
2008-07-04 21:24:09 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
They look after the chocolate bars?
You're not Spitfire from alt.tastless.humour from 9/11 days are yer.
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
to do one-word answers.
Fairy nough.
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
He also used to try to wind people up by signing off, "You done yet?"
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
started using, "Odin yet?? Norse not!"
So are Donner Kebabs!
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
We've got a beer here in teh UK called Spitfire and at teh bottom of teh
label it says, "The Bottle of Britain"!!
Wish I had a dozen bottles of it right now!
Post by nemo
Yum, again!
That was nice of you.
Purely accidental higher sewer ewe.
What are the odds of that?
About 12:50. I'm having Batata curry (Alloo alloo alloo!) in a few minutes,
with Basmati rice and a mung bean curry with all the spices that aren't in
the Batata Vada. Works well that does. You get a nice contrast of flavours -
and with a nice bottle of inSainsbury's Montepulciano d'Abruzzo to wash it
down with.
Well, only two or three glasses actually. I've got to be up early tomorrow
to take delivery of a Sigma 10-20mm zoom lens. I'm fed up with having to
walk backwards to get everything in shot! There are these things called
cliffs you know! :o(
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghghghghg! . . . . SPLATT!


2008-07-13 17:53:36 UTC
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
They look after the chocolate bars?
You're not Spitfire from alt.tastless.humour from 9/11 days are yer.
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
to do one-word answers.
Fairy nough.
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
He also used to try to wind people up by signing off, "You done yet?"
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
started using, "Odin yet?? Norse not!"
So are Donner Kebabs!
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
We've got a beer here in teh UK called Spitfire and at teh bottom
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
label it says, "The Bottle of Britain"!!
Wish I had a dozen bottles of it right now!
Post by nemo
Yum, again!
That was nice of you.
Purely accidental higher sewer ewe.
What are the odds of that?
About 12:50. I'm having Batata curry (Alloo alloo alloo!) in a few minutes,
with Basmati rice and a mung bean curry with all the spices that aren't in
the Batata Vada. Works well that does. You get a nice contrast of flavours -
and with a nice bottle of inSainsbury's Montepulciano d'Abruzzo to wash it
down with.
Well, only two or three glasses actually. I've got to be up early tomorrow
to take delivery of a Sigma 10-20mm zoom lens. I'm fed up with having to
walk backwards to get everything in shot! There are these things called
cliffs you know! :o(
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghghghghg! . . . . SPLATT!
And if it's Vindaloo and it splashes . . . Great Balls of Fire!!!!!!

As long as you keep the fore-and-aft axis horizontal it's fine. Very wide
sensible pics. I'm gettin a tripod and a spirit level the fits into teh
flash Hot Shoe for that.

Tilt it up or down and the world goes crazy though! Great for trick shots!


Enter "Sigma 10-20mm" into Google Images. In between all the pics of the
lens itself there are a few good eggs ampoules of what it's taken.
2008-07-14 02:57:37 UTC
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
They look after the chocolate bars?
You're not Spitfire from alt.tastless.humour from 9/11 days are
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
to do one-word answers.
Fairy nough.
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
He also used to try to wind people up by signing off, "You done yet?"
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
started using, "Odin yet?? Norse not!"
So are Donner Kebabs!
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
We've got a beer here in teh UK called Spitfire and at teh bottom
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
label it says, "The Bottle of Britain"!!
Wish I had a dozen bottles of it right now!
Post by nemo
Yum, again!
That was nice of you.
Purely accidental higher sewer ewe.
What are the odds of that?
About 12:50. I'm having Batata curry (Alloo alloo alloo!) in a few minutes,
with Basmati rice and a mung bean curry with all the spices that aren't
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
the Batata Vada. Works well that does. You get a nice contrast of flavours -
and with a nice bottle of inSainsbury's Montepulciano d'Abruzzo to wash
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
down with.
Well, only two or three glasses actually. I've got to be up early
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
to take delivery of a Sigma 10-20mm zoom lens. I'm fed up with having to
walk backwards to get everything in shot! There are these things called
cliffs you know! :o(
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghghghghg! . . . . SPLATT!
And if it's Vindaloo and it splashes . . . Great Balls of Fire!!!!!!
As long as you keep the fore-and-aft axis horizontal it's fine. Very wide
sensible pics. I'm gettin a tripod and a spirit level the fits into teh
flash Hot Shoe for that.
Tilt it up or down and the world goes crazy though! Great for trick shots!
Enter "Sigma 10-20mm" into Google Images. In between all the pics of the
lens itself there are a few good eggs ampoules of what it's taken.
2008-07-03 22:21:17 UTC
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up a
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
They look after the chocolate bars?
I used to like Galaxy chocolate, except the main flavour was the modified
starch from cornflour that it was thickened with. Shoiws how little cocoa
there was in it! It didn't like me though. Gave me indigestion it did!

I'm noshing a bar of inSainsbury's Belgian dark chocolate at the moment.
Umyay umyay! Uchmay Etterbay!
2008-07-03 22:26:47 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set up a
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
They look after the chocolate bars?
I used to like Galaxy chocolate, except the main flavour was the modified
starch from cornflour that it was thickened with. Shoiws how little cocoa
there was in it! It didn't like me though. Gave me indigestion it did!
I'm noshing a bar of inSainsbury's Belgian dark chocolate at the moment.
Umyay umyay! Uchmay Etterbay!
I like dark chocolate as well.
2008-07-04 05:30:29 UTC
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor after a
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
They look after the chocolate bars?
I used to like Galaxy chocolate, except the main flavour was the modified
starch from cornflour that it was thickened with. Shoiws how little cocoa
there was in it! It didn't like me though. Gave me indigestion it did!
I'm noshing a bar of inSainsbury's Belgian dark chocolate at the moment.
Umyay umyay! Uchmay Etterbay!
I like dark chocolate as well.
They've just started putting milk solids in the Green and Black's 85% cocoa
solids chocolate and I'm Vegan! :o(

I thought this sort of thing would happen when I found out that dumb bloody
Cadbury's had bought a 60% stake in the company!

The G&B stuff is £1.69 ($3.35) a bar. The Sainsbury's is 99p ($1.96) a bar.
So I'm saving money as well.
2008-07-04 21:26:06 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber as a
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
They look after the chocolate bars?
I used to like Galaxy chocolate, except the main flavour was the
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
starch from cornflour that it was thickened with. Shoiws how little
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
there was in it! It didn't like me though. Gave me indigestion it did!
I'm noshing a bar of inSainsbury's Belgian dark chocolate at the moment.
Umyay umyay! Uchmay Etterbay!
I like dark chocolate as well.
They've just started putting milk solids in the Green and Black's 85% cocoa
solids chocolate and I'm Vegan! :o(
I thought this sort of thing would happen when I found out that dumb bloody
Cadbury's had bought a 60% stake in the company!
The G&B stuff is £1.69 ($3.35) a bar. The Sainsbury's is 99p ($1.96) a bar.
So I'm saving money as well.
Drinking Hot cocoa makes me "Hot"!

2008-07-05 19:11:19 UTC
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also set
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
They look after the chocolate bars?
I used to like Galaxy chocolate, except the main flavour was the
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
starch from cornflour that it was thickened with. Shoiws how little
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
there was in it! It didn't like me though. Gave me indigestion it did!
I'm noshing a bar of inSainsbury's Belgian dark chocolate at the moment.
Umyay umyay! Uchmay Etterbay!
I like dark chocolate as well.
They've just started putting milk solids in the Green and Black's 85% cocoa
solids chocolate and I'm Vegan! :o(
I thought this sort of thing would happen when I found out that dumb bloody
Cadbury's had bought a 60% stake in the company!
The G&B stuff is £1.69 ($3.35) a bar. The Sainsbury's is 99p ($1.96) a bar.
So I'm saving money as well.
Drinking Hot cocoa makes me "Hot"!
With me, it's peanuts, curries with any kind of bean in it, particularly
mung and black-eye peas, and any curry with a bit too much asafoetida in
it! - even at 61, these are still most effective!


It's one of the 'secret ingredients of good authentic curries.

Better put a pun in:

Q: How does a priest who's an enthusiastic ornithologist begin a service?

A: Let osprey!

And if his church got shot up, would he get caught in the crossfire?!!
2008-07-05 19:37:51 UTC
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
Biggest Surprises in the New "Star Wars" Movie
Anakin is actually afraid of the dark and uses his lightsaber
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
night light.
Sith Lords actually fight with Dark Sabers.
The Empire bans the teaching of evolution in schools.
The Republic Supreme Court declared Palpatine to be Chancellor
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
close election.
Diebold supplies voting machines to the Republic.
The Republic's Senate passed a "Galactic Patriot Act" and also
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by Tim Bruening
"Home Galaxy Security Department".
They look after the chocolate bars?
I used to like Galaxy chocolate, except the main flavour was the
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
starch from cornflour that it was thickened with. Shoiws how little
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
there was in it! It didn't like me though. Gave me indigestion it
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
Post by h***@centurytel.net
Post by nemo
I'm noshing a bar of inSainsbury's Belgian dark chocolate at the moment.
Umyay umyay! Uchmay Etterbay!
I like dark chocolate as well.
They've just started putting milk solids in the Green and Black's 85% cocoa
solids chocolate and I'm Vegan! :o(
I thought this sort of thing would happen when I found out that dumb bloody
Cadbury's had bought a 60% stake in the company!
The G&B stuff is £1.69 ($3.35) a bar. The Sainsbury's is 99p ($1.96) a bar.
So I'm saving money as well.
Drinking Hot cocoa makes me "Hot"!
With me, it's peanuts, curries with any kind of bean in it, particularly
mung and black-eye peas, and any curry with a bit too much asafoetida in
it! - even at 61, these are still most effective!
It's one of the 'secret ingredients of good authentic curries.
Thanks for the "secret info".
Post by nemo
Q: How does a priest who's an enthusiastic ornithologist begin a service?
A: Let osprey!
And if his church got shot up, would he get caught in the crossfire?!!
Probably would.
