Disturbing dreams after ROTS first viewing?
(too old to reply)
Tim Bruening
2005-06-03 10:35:43 UTC
Three different aquaintances have told me that they dreamt about the
movie the night after seeing it. While their dreams didn't qualify as
nightmares, they said the imagery was, um..."unsettling".
The same thing happened to me. Nothing of the sort on subsequent
viewings, though.
Anyone else? Just curious.
I drempt of the vampire Angel being Darth Vader.
Benjamin Pavsner
2005-06-03 11:42:00 UTC
Only nightmare I had was the fact that Lucas can get away with a movie that
has bad acting. overloaded with special effects and underloaded with a
Post by Tim Bruening
Three different aquaintances have told me that they dreamt about the
movie the night after seeing it. While their dreams didn't qualify as
nightmares, they said the imagery was, um..."unsettling".
The same thing happened to me. Nothing of the sort on subsequent
viewings, though.
Anyone else? Just curious.
I drempt of the vampire Angel being Darth Vader.
2005-06-04 22:36:58 UTC
Exactly what I thought. Very disappointing indeed.
Post by Benjamin Pavsner
Only nightmare I had was the fact that Lucas can get away with a movie that
has bad acting. overloaded with special effects and underloaded with a
Post by Tim Bruening
Three different aquaintances have told me that they dreamt about the
movie the night after seeing it. While their dreams didn't qualify as
nightmares, they said the imagery was, um..."unsettling".
The same thing happened to me. Nothing of the sort on subsequent
viewings, though.
Anyone else? Just curious.
I drempt of the vampire Angel being Darth Vader.
Tim Bruening
2005-06-09 07:23:06 UTC
Post by Benjamin Pavsner
Only nightmare I had was the fact that Lucas can get away with a movie that
has bad acting. overloaded with special effects and underloaded with a
What story would you have told?
Matt Frisch
2005-06-09 23:25:48 UTC
On Thu, 09 Jun 2005 00:23:06 -0700, Tim Bruening
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Benjamin Pavsner
Only nightmare I had was the fact that Lucas can get away with a movie that
has bad acting. overloaded with special effects and underloaded with a
What story would you have told?
A good one. The problem was less the general story, and more how stupidly
(and inconsistantly with previous movies) it was implemented. To say
nothing of dialogue that had me hitting myself in the face to take the pain
Tim Bruening
2005-06-10 07:48:49 UTC
Post by Matt Frisch
On Thu, 09 Jun 2005 00:23:06 -0700, Tim Bruening
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Benjamin Pavsner
Only nightmare I had was the fact that Lucas can get away with a movie that
has bad acting. overloaded with special effects and underloaded with a
What story would you have told?
A good one. The problem was less the general story, and more how stupidly
(and inconsistantly with previous movies) it was implemented. To say
nothing of dialogue that had me hitting myself in the face to take the pain
What would have happened in the story you would have told?
Matt Frisch
2005-06-10 23:25:46 UTC
On Fri, 10 Jun 2005 00:48:49 -0700, Tim Bruening
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Matt Frisch
On Thu, 09 Jun 2005 00:23:06 -0700, Tim Bruening
Post by Tim Bruening
Post by Benjamin Pavsner
Only nightmare I had was the fact that Lucas can get away with a movie that
has bad acting. overloaded with special effects and underloaded with a
What story would you have told?
A good one. The problem was less the general story, and more how stupidly
(and inconsistantly with previous movies) it was implemented. To say
nothing of dialogue that had me hitting myself in the face to take the pain
What would have happened in the story you would have told?
First, I would have built some sets. ILM does some good stuff, but you can
often see the actors lost in the scenery because they spend the entire
movie in front of a green tarp and have nothing to interact with in the
enviorment. It showed.

As I said, the general outline was fine, but I would have clipped out about
90% of the first movie, and folded it into the second. Almost all of
Phantom Menace was irrelevant twaddle.

Turn the Cartoon Network "Clone Wars" series into the actual second movie
(with some tweaking). It was far better than any of the the actual

Padme dying of a broken heart? Yea, that's gone.

Anakin as a self-absorbed, whining crybaby? None of that.

People refering to him as "Annie"? Buh-bye.

How about Vader being -seduced- by the Dark Side, instead of kind of
accidently tripping over it while hoisting that huge entitlement chip he
carried on his shoulder?

Obi-Wan and Anakin's fight in Ep3 would have gone waaaaay differently.
Lucas changed "When I left you, I was but the learner, now *I* am the
Master!" to "When you beat my ass like I paid a Dominatrix to to so, and
abandoned your Jedi principles to leave me for dead as a triple amputee on
a godforsaken hellhole...well, it just really hurt my feelings". I would
actually have prefered no fight at all, or possibly a very abbreviated one.
Vader is doing Bad Things(tm) when Obi-Wan shows up, but Vader knows he
doesn't stand a chance, and triggers some sort of cave-in or similar event
which would lead him to believe that Obi-Wan would not have survived (he
doesn't seem to know in Ep4, and he damn well should have), while Vader
makes his escape to do more nefarious evil.
