[Spoilers] Re: Episode III Teaser Trailer Info
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Tim Bruening
2005-06-10 09:22:02 UTC
The [supposed] details of the Episode III November Teaser Trailer are on
If you are up for spoilers, check it out, and report back here with what you
So Anakin dies and Sidious brings him back to life? (On the third day I
wonder? Well, his conception did "just happen.") So Vader is
Frankenstein's monster. Sounds simple enough now that they tell us.
If Sidious can actually bring Anakin back to life, could he also bring Padme back
to life too? Anakin ought to explore that question in his spare time as he works
on the Death Star.
That Guy
2005-06-11 00:01:26 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
The [supposed] details of the Episode III November Teaser Trailer are on
If you are up for spoilers, check it out, and report back here with what you
So Anakin dies and Sidious brings him back to life? (On the third day I
wonder? Well, his conception did "just happen.") So Vader is
Frankenstein's monster. Sounds simple enough now that they tell us.
If Sidious can actually bring Anakin back to life, could he also bring Padme back
to life too? Anakin ought to explore that question in his spare time as he works
on the Death Star.
Well to me the whole plot hinges on the speech Palpatine gives Anakin about
Darth Plagius. I've noticed that the Sith don't lie as much as one might
think, although they do use "a certain point of view". If we can take
Palpatines speech as more or less truthfull concerning Plagius and we then
presume that the apprentice is in fact Palpatine/Sidious, then some things
fall into place.
Sidious knows how to create and extend life, thus he is Anakin's "father"
having caused Anikin's conception without a father.
Sidious also kept Vader from dying by this same method, he sensed the danger
and most likely felt Vader's death approaching and stalled it long enough to
rescue him.
Padme dies not because she lost the will to live, that's dumb, even though
she's been betrayed by her husband, her children should be more than enough
reason to live. If Sidious can control the force enough to create and extend
life, why not to drain it away and kill a healthy person?
Some may ask why Sidious didn't save Maul or Dooku, well Maul was little
more than an attack dog, trained to kill and enjoy doing it, he was never
meant to be a successor to Sidious. Dooku had power but was too willful and
inflexible, Sidious needed an apprentice who could be molded and Vader was
the perfect choice, stronger in the force that even Yoda and but without as
much discipline.
