My ANH DVD review
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Tim Bruening
2005-06-25 22:25:21 UTC
| > Then again, these Tuskiens might just have all heard the legend of
| > the single robed human that wiped out an entire Tuskien village one
| > night.
| Anakin, Ep2? That's an interesting point! Hmmm... I like it! :)
Although...if he indeed "killed them all, women and children too", who told
the story?
Yes, Cliegg, Owen and Beru knew, but I doubt any of them would go around
boasting about it.
Anakin also told Padme, which means that she knew in Episode 3 that he was
capable of killing children, so she shouldn't have had such a hard time
believing that he could kill Jedi children in the Temple!
Tim Bruening
2005-06-25 22:26:39 UTC
Then again, these Tuskiens might just have all heard the legend of
the single robed human that wiped out an entire Tuskien village one
Anakin, Ep2? That's an interesting point! Hmmm... I like it! :)
Although...if he indeed "killed them all, women and children too",
who told the story?
You can "kill all" but "all" is only those that you knew about.
There may have been some other Raiders who witnessed the event
that Anakin wasn't aware of? Or some other creatures who saw
the slaughter and spread the story? :)
Why didn't the Sand People then attack Owen's future moisture farm?