Star Wars question
(too old to reply)
Tim Bruening
2005-06-21 22:14:28 UTC
Why didn't Han simply pay off Jabba AFTER Episode IV?
There's no good reason as far as I can tell.
In the first draft of ESB bounty hunters are not after Han. Apparently
he had paid Jabba.
It's not like
Hoth conflict took place a week after the medal ceremony. There was
plenty of time for Han to go back to Tatooine and pay off Jabba with
the money he got for saving Leia; that makes me think, did Luke ever
pay Han the other 15,000 that Obi-Wan promised them in the Cantina?
Why should he. The deal was to take them to Alderaan. Which Han never
did. Besides Luke doesn't inherit Ben's debts. Han new is SW that he was
not going to get paid. That's why the talk of money helped to convince
him to rescue the princess.
Han's failure to take then to Alderaan isn't his fault! It's Darth Vader's
BESIDES, You KNOW Jabba wouldn't have taken the price off his head,
whether he paid up or NOT. He'd try to make an EXAMPLE of Solo, of
what happens when you cross Jabba the Hutt.
His BEST bet would have been to keep the money, 'disappear' to some
planet out of Hutt influence, & live the good life sitting in a hammock
with a glass of blue milk & a bunch of Twi'Lek masseusses to keep him
But Leia had a Rebellion to win, so she couldn't go with Han!
the Bede
2005-06-21 23:23:23 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Why didn't Han simply pay off Jabba AFTER Episode IV?
There's no good reason as far as I can tell.
In the first draft of ESB bounty hunters are not after Han. Apparently
he had paid Jabba.
It's not like
Hoth conflict took place a week after the medal ceremony. There was
plenty of time for Han to go back to Tatooine and pay off Jabba with
the money he got for saving Leia; that makes me think, did Luke ever
pay Han the other 15,000 that Obi-Wan promised them in the Cantina?
Why should he. The deal was to take them to Alderaan. Which Han never
did. Besides Luke doesn't inherit Ben's debts. Han new is SW that he was
not going to get paid. That's why the talk of money helped to convince
him to rescue the princess.
Han's failure to take then to Alderaan isn't his fault! It's Darth Vader's
BESIDES, You KNOW Jabba wouldn't have taken the price off his head,
whether he paid up or NOT. He'd try to make an EXAMPLE of Solo, of
what happens when you cross Jabba the Hutt.
His BEST bet would have been to keep the money, 'disappear' to some
planet out of Hutt influence, & live the good life sitting in a hammock
with a glass of blue milk & a bunch of Twi'Lek masseusses to keep him
But Leia had a Rebellion to win, so she couldn't go with Han!
he should have smacked her around. you know, shown his woman What's What.