Binary load lifters and C3PO
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Tim Bruening
2005-06-23 08:01:27 UTC
You know how in ANH, C3PO said that his first job was programming
"Binary load lifters" that were apparently similar to the moisture
vaporators found on Tatooine. Well, if C3PO had a memory wipe shortly
after being given to Captain Antilles, those binary load lifters must
have been right there on the blockade runner ship.
Why are the devices used by Tatooine moisture farmers to pull water out of
the air called "vaporators"? Shouldn't they be called "condensers"?
2005-06-23 14:19:24 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
You know how in ANH, C3PO said that his first job was programming
"Binary load lifters" that were apparently similar to the moisture
vaporators found on Tatooine. Well, if C3PO had a memory wipe shortly
after being given to Captain Antilles, those binary load lifters must
have been right there on the blockade runner ship.
Why are the devices used by Tatooine moisture farmers to pull water out of
the air called "vaporators"? Shouldn't they be called "condensers"?
Owen does tell Luke during dinner "Tomorrow I want those droids working on
those condensers."
So Vaporators might be something different.
Tim Bruening
2005-06-24 07:08:25 UTC
Post by RobMac
Post by Tim Bruening
You know how in ANH, C3PO said that his first job was programming
"Binary load lifters" that were apparently similar to the moisture
vaporators found on Tatooine. Well, if C3PO had a memory wipe shortly
after being given to Captain Antilles, those binary load lifters must
have been right there on the blockade runner ship.
Why are the devices used by Tatooine moisture farmers to pull water out of
the air called "vaporators"? Shouldn't they be called "condensers"?
Owen does tell Luke during dinner "Tomorrow I want those droids working on
those condensers."
So Vaporators might be something different.
What use would vaporators be on such a dry planet?

2005-06-23 17:08:17 UTC
Post by Tim Bruening
Why are the devices used by Tatooine moisture farmers to pull water out of
the air called "vaporators"? Shouldn't they be called "condensers"?
I believe "condensers" is what Owen calls them during the dinner scene
in ANH...
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall
pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend,
oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of
liberty. This much we pledge—and more.

- President John F. Kennedy, Jan. 20, 1961